new wave offshore

Offshore Attendance for FPSO Installation Project

New Wave Offshore announces its engagement in providing offshore Dynamic Positioning (DP) oversight services aboard an accommodation vessel supporting an FPSO installation project. New Wave Offshore’s DP specialists will ensure position-keeping operations throughout the campaign for personnel safety.

The scope of work includes:

  • Real-time monitoring of DP system performance
  • Verification of position reference system (PRS) accuracy
  • Assessment of environmental conditions and their impact
  • Oversight of station-keeping during personnel transfers
  • Technical support for bridge team decision-making
  • Daily reporting of DP operations and system status
  • Review and verification of watch handover procedures

“Our offshore DP specialists provide key oversight during these complex operations,” said CEO Kyle Eddings. “By maintaining constant awareness of the vessel’s DP system, we help ensure the safety of personnel transfers and the success of the FPSO installation project as a whole.”

New Wave Offshore’s team will work closely with the vessel’s crew to maintain optimal DP operations while adhering to project-specific guidelines and industry best practices.

Learn more about New Wave Offshore’s Dynamic Positioning services.



New Wave Offshore Energy advises Oil & Gas and Renewables Majors on safely executing marine operations worldwide. At our core, we are a team of subject matter experts with the specific knowledge and extensive experience required to manage offshore risk successfully.


Michael Lehfeldt, Business Director

[email protected]

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